Well, that’s better! It’s brilliant to be back playing, and watching actual one-on-one darts!
First up, congratulations to, my fellow North Easterner, Glen Durrant on his tremendous performance in topping The Premier League. As he said: “he has Teesside steel inside.” For us mere mortals it was back to work, not quite so good eh? Then ‘live’ sessions with my coach, before heading back to the competitive oche. In all honesty, it took a bit of getting used to. Results were decent enough, but getting a new consistency level is not easy after many weeks of unstructured practice.
We started, with baby steps, at my local singles league a few weeks back. The league coped very well with lockdown and I joined two remote ‘seasons’. With the relaxation of restrictions our organiser, Daz Brown, worked closely with the venue to get live darts back on. Despite a reduction in the numbers, the evenings have proven successful. Socially it’s nice to be back sharing the banter, and a beer or two, with friends and old rivals.
The Cleveland Festival provided a timely opportunity to get back to Teeside and combine visiting family with more competitive darts. It was great to get some legs and matches under my belt. A decent run was brought to an end in the last sixteen. I could definitely begin to feel the return of my pre-lockdown form. Many thanks to Clare Stamper for staging an efficiently run event in these tough times.
It’s always nice to be acknowledged for things you have achieved in your chosen field, so it was my pleasure to be interviewed for a documentary about how darts have changed over the last dozen years or so. A young presenter by the name of Archie Corbett grilled me for quite some time.
To be taken through your career, by someone young enough to be your child, is both a compliment and slightly strange. Whilst being put on the spot about your favourite moments or even regrets can be quite eye-opening. A bit like No 19 buses acknowledgments seems to come in pairs. I have also joined the cast of players who sport their own ‘player card’, it’s not a bad-looking piece of memorabilia if I say so myself.
Never fear Wizard followers all this ‘off the oche’ activity, while very pleasant, has not resulted in me wallowing in nostalgia. Indeed, we have doubled down on preparing for the challenges of the rest of 2020, and a couple of solid Semi and quarter-finals runs have followed. Whether it’s open events, leagues, or the Challenge Tour, be assured that ‘The Wizard’ intends to take full advantage of the opportunity to be back doing my favourite thing.
Lockdown had many challenges, for all of us, but also came with a reminder to appreciate everything you have and make the most of the chances you’re given.
#StayStrong #PlayDarts #UTB
The Wizard!
Colin Osborne is a multiple PDC title winner and former UK Open finalist.
FB: Colin The Wizard Osborne Fan Page
Wizards Wizdom appears regularly in Darts World Magazine with Colin making supplemental online contributions.
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