Snapshot – AIM: Imperious

Play the Pro Darts Scorer

One of the biggest compliments AIM: receives is when our work with players is translated into products that can be used by players across the globe. The latest is the adoption of our ‘Imperious’ design by a major manufacturer. It looks like a superb edition of the darts we helped develop for Challenge Tour player Anthony Urmston Toft.

  • Products: Darts (Steel Tip)
  • Brand: AIM:
  • Material: Tungsten (90%) Natural Finish
  • Dimensions: 50.8mm (L) x 6.3mm(W)
  • Point: 32mm Collared Fire (Grooved)
  • Price: £59.50


Imperious is a no-nonsense dart. It’s natural tungsten with two different grip zones. The barrels are straight but with a short reduction/taper toward the point. Designed to assist a tour player to gain the most from his powerful throwing style whilst being able to be produced by his sponsor for the consumer market.

Open The Box:

A simple set of the three handmade 23g barrels each fitted with Target’s Fire points to complete the aggressive approach taken with this design. An unusual set of of Harrows Vibro stems and coordinated Dimplex flights complete the package.

Testers Views:

  • “These are a serious dart for any player who means business, they really benefit from the aggressive approach”
  • “It is a rare dart that I would not change a single thing on, these are one. Fantastic”
  • “I love the grip on the main zone, its very grippy but does not feel as harsh as looks. Very impressive”
  • “The setup and balance are superb. I would recommend these to any direct style thrower”

Debbie Downers:

One thrower did not like the wider grooves near to the stem end and another tester was not comfortable with the fire points. Both players accepted that the dart just did not suit their more delicate style of throw. A different set up also appealed to some.

Set Ups:

The supplied set works very well for a more methodical thrower. However, quicker or more rhythmic players did not seem to like the vibrating stems nor some of the positions the flights ended up in. It was soon discovered that a fixed system such as Taro flights (Standard) with AK Stems (Tweenie) was an excellent alternative. The stability and predictability of this setup were very popular.


For a handmade set of high-quality darts including delivery and accessories £60 is a fair price and seems in the right range for such a stylish and effective product. they come in considerably less than similar designs from Cosmo or other premium manufacturers.

No description available.
Coming soon – Imperious goes mainstream.


A very solid feeling dart. Designed for heavy scoring and a bold direct style. ‘Imperious’ live up to their name by combining a careful design with highly skilled manufacture. great grip across two-thirds of the dart for reliable pick up and a differentiated grip at the stem section for accurate placement. Highly recommended for the strong direct thrower who does not want a distraction.

Marks: 9 / 10


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