Snapshot Review: Winmau Pro Line 25g.

Play the Pro Darts Scorer

A short and snappy look at the tungsten part of the Winmau Pro-Line range. The range seems to seek to provide high end but usable products without the player premium.

  • Product: Steel Tip darts
  • Brand: Winmau
  • Model: Pro-Line 25g
  • Material: 90% Tungsten
  • Variation: Black Onyx Coated
  • RRP: £34.90


An excellent tapered dart with a high level ringed grip. The Pro-Line are a non player dart in a classic tapered shape made distinctive by a black onyx coating.

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Grab a set of Winmau Pro Line

As is the case across the board Pro line are simply packaged with three barrels, a Winmau point protector and a complimentary set up. The Prism Force Flight & Stem set is premium quality and coloured to match.


  • Length: 50.8mm
  • Width: 6.7mm (Widest)
  • Material: 90% Tungstem (Black Onyx Coated)
  • Point: Black Steel (Standard)
  • Grip: Ring Cut (Fine) Double Spaced Pattern.

Player Quotes:

” There is something of the RVB style in these but more aggressive grip”

” Very nice balance and the Onyx seems to make the grip more comfortable even with a strong grip”

” Very good dart for a mid barrel thrower”

Debbie Downers:

Although these look a simple dart they are a bit more complex than first glance suggests. The grip pattern and the deep cut grooves near, the stem end, seemed to limit the areas that the dart can be effectively held. The simpler your grip and throw the better.


Pro Line is a major Winmau range of high-quality non player items to cover almost all your darting needs. There are shirts, hoodies, bags and many other ‘Pro Line’ ranges. Unusually the darts themselves are available in both odd and even weights from 21-26g. This is a superb touch for those discovering their ideal weight or those thinking of tweeking. They are a superb place to start.

Set Ups:

AIM: tested two different weights (22 and 25g) with the original Prism Force set ups and found them to be very effective for a direct thrower. switching to a tweenie stem and a thinner flight allowed more arc to the flight and a very relaxed, almost dropping, technique proved very effective indeed.

A brief test with a moulded flight system did not seem to suit this model and was soon abandoned.


The grip style and the Onyx covering seem to go well together and after 50 or so legs there was little sign of use. As with all coatings there will be wear and tear but this may actually be a positive as it will soften the feel of the dart. The aggressive grip and solid build leads to some flight and stem damage but this is well within the normal range. With traditional flight and stem sets this will not prove a burden.


AIM: testers liked this dart and, for the price, all agreed it was well worth a try. It is simple and once you have located your grip zone Pro Line do not require a lot of getting used to.

If you have a simple throw and a perhaps a relaxed ‘dropping throw’ somewhat like Barney or even a ‘mid career’ Taylor then you may like to eperiment with these.

£34 (Plus postage, order here) for a 90% coated dart with this design and finish quality is very good value and with the selection available you would struggle to go wrong with Pro Line.

Pro line can be ordered from Red Dragon Online here


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