On Guernsey Brit Fits and Demon 5 are slugging it out in Division One of the Herald League. Flight Club and Ups & Downers are setting the pace in Division Two. In the Western Individual League, Mark Fletcher is top of the tree in a highly competitive Premier Division, with NickOgier in close order. Jerry Baguio and “Mighty” Quinn Hamon are battling it out at the head of Division One, with Geoffrey “Ringo” Tostevin poised to capitalise on any slipups.
Chris Hamon is well clear in Division Two. Advocates of the ladies game will be delighted to see 11 players out of the 14 competing in Division Three, most of whom are in the League for the first time. Wayne Gallienne and Connor Ferbrache are tied for first place, but the ladies are all acquitting themselves well and have registered in the win column. At the time of writing, Paula Exall is the highest placed lady, but Lyndsey Le Sauvage and Michelle Roussel are both within touching distance and gunning for the promotion places. Leyton De La Mare currently heads up Division One of the GDL, but there are only six points separating the top five which makes the games to come very importantly to see who finishes where. Richard Moullin is on top of Division Two, and Division Three is shaping up nicely. Blake Osborne is currently at the summit, but his nearest rivals Morgan Gontier and Terry Martel both have a game in hand.
The Triples League see Guernsey Trade Windows in a commanding position, as they lead Division One by 24 points over second-placed Boys From The North. In the lower tier, The Bull Bags are at the head of affairs, with Venture Inn Fall Out in hot pursuit.
The Leagues are still to restart, but with a new Committee in place they should be hopefully up and running in time for the next issue. The JMI Mechanics Club has seen a competition takes place though. Last month saw The “Little Ed’s Memorial”, which commemorated the life of Eddie Le Bailly Jnr, a popular player much missed by all on Jersey and the Channel Islands as a whole. The trophy was won by Nathen Le Bailly, but just as importantly the Charity set up in his name benefitted to the tune of £1,047, and thanks must go out to all who organised, attended and donated.
For the first time in this column, I am delighted to bring news of the six-team Alderney
Men’s League. Georgian head the table with six straight wins, with Campania, Marais,Chez Ridunians, Bismarcks and Divers rounding out the League.
The four-team tournament slated for January has been postponed, Jersey had previously confirmed their absence, and the Republic of Ireland has also pulled out. It is hoped that the inaugural competition will now take place in the Isle of Man either at the end of 2022 or January 2023.
Finally, I would like to wish all Darts World readers a Merry Christmas and a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.
The Pearly King writes with the support of Smilers UK Ltd & Darts GB