The weekend ending 8th-9th January saw Dorset travel to an away game against Berkshire. What a roller coaster ride it’s been so far for Dorset beating Oxfordshire 22-14 then losing to Kent 11-25 so I for one didn’t know what to expect from our Men & Lady’s teams, but as always hoped for the best.
Several players from both teams were going to Q school on Sunday so both of the Mens B teams were stronger than usual as some A players were today playing in the B teams.
Berkshire have a nice, biggish. venue with nice food good bar and plenty of practice board they even had a dart shop on sight to top up on flights stems or whatever you need. What with the COVID going on masks had to be worn whenever you left your table or stood up watching the darts a chore but you soon got into the swing of things. Bottled water was provided up on stage for the players so much easier to manage as opposed to jugs and glasses.
Lady’s B
Up first for our Lady’s Macie Woodrow (16.21) playing only her 2nd game for Dorset, Macie came up against Berkshire’s Carol Bowers who was Berkshire’s lady of the match hitting a 18.29 average, Macie losing 1-3. Julie Boggust up next kept her mask on up on stage and races into a 2-0 lead then unfortunately can’t buy a double (that winning double at times can be so hard to hit the nerves kick in) losing 2-3.
Sally Old (lady’s captain) up next. Now Sally’s darts have got better as the season has progressed every leg went with the throw giving Sally a deciding leg,with the darts both had attempts at a double leg to Sally giving Dorsets Lady’s there 1st point. Donna Mabbatt (16.34) up next is outscored in the first leg but Berkshire can’t find the double Donna does and it settles the nerves and Donna goes onto win 3-0 not messing about at the doubles and is Dorsets Lady of the match and levels the over all scores to 2-2. Lorraine Woodrow next up against Berkshire’s Carole Holroyd both players struggle to hit a winning first leg double, leg eventually going Lilly’s way, and Berkshire back on 185 as Lilly takes the 2nd leg. Lilly hits the first 180 of the weekend in the 3rd leg but Carole pokes 66 to pull a leg back. Lilly goes onto take a 3-1 victory.
That leaves Roz Annetts up last for the win, no pressure then. Now Roz is undefeated so far this season but today she struggled around the doubles and in a game where she had goes at a double in every leg she loses 1-3 just not here day today. So women get a deserved 3-3 draw.
Mens B
Now both Mens B teams are stronger today hence the good averages because of Q school as I’ve mentioned before. Up first for Dorset John Clark (team manager) now today CLARKY just couldn’t find the range ( we all get days like that) and loses 0-4. David Elm (ELMO) up next making his DEBUT for Dorset and nice 100 start from him but leg went with throw to Berkshire. Elmo in control in the 2nd leg then Berkshire’s Doug Harwood hits a 140 to leave tops but Elmo pokes 58 to level at 1-1. That seemed to settle Elmo and he pokes 100 to go 2-1 up and goes onto win 4-2. Robby Morris (23.37) v Steve Wells (23.75) next up in a close evenly matched game Berkshire taking the 4-2 win and Steve was Berkshire’s Man of the match. Rob Channing (27.09) next up for Dorset as his average suggests Rob played well (the best I’ve seen him play so far this season) and goes into a 2-0 lead, but Berkshire’s Anthony Dean (24.65) hits a 139 to leave 20 and pulls a leg back. Rob going onto win 4-2 with an impressive 27.09 average. Ryan Mabey (24.14) what a perfect start as he hits a 180 and goes onto hit two more on his way to a 4-0 win impressive, and girls he’s still single. Ricky King (25.05) up next v Berkshire’s Archie Self a youngster who I watched practicing earlier banging in 140s for fun. Ricky played the board not the boy the only way to do it and comes away a 4-0 winner the score not really reflecting the match. This youngster a name to look out for in the future he also did a lot of M C ing as well. So after 6 matches Dorset take a 4-2 lead.
Richard Gomm next up for Dorset v Berkshire’s Paul Upson (23.40) what a game this was. Richie going 3-1 up but Paul fights back to level at 3-3 and force a deciding leg. Dorset with throw made all the difference Paul hits back to back tons but busts 136 yes busts 136 unlucky paul, both still have chances at the double a very relieved Richie Gomm taking the 4-3 win. Mark Porter (18.18 Potty) up next v Berkshire’s James Shaw(17.84) Now Potty’s a rhythm player needs to be playing a fast thrower like himself well James was slow neither player could get any momentum going, Potty falling 2-3 behind then levels to force a deciding leg, is there time to play it I joked yes it seemed that slow. The tension and pressure not only up on stage but from the people watching it too, I had to go to the bar and half watch from there the game could of gone either way both players probably played there worst games ever but it was a very relieved Potty that took the 4-3 win and he really had to work for it. Nick Turner (24.91) v James Wiggins (24.39) next up and as the averages suggest it was a fast close game. First two legs went with throw then Berkshire broke to go 2-1 up Nick going onto win 4-2. Tommy Morris (30.56) v John Hall (28.27) game of the weekend so far. Fast and furious great game to watch. Nice 4 tons in a row from Tommy 61 then tops out, breaking Johns throw. Tommys not having it all his own way as John hits a 180 but Tommy pokes 106 for a 15 dart leg to go 2-0 up. Again John hits a 180 in the 3rd leg and after 12 darts sat on tops, Tommy back on 175 as John pulls a leg back. A 112 shot out from Tommy for a 15 dart leg and Tommys 3-1 up. 17 dart leg and John pulls it to 2-3. After 15 darts in the 6th leg Tommy sat on 32 and you think it’s all over o no Berkshire’s John Hall pokes a 134 WOW to force a decider. Now that’s what darts is all about for me great game played in great spirits both players respecting each other’s scores PRITTY TO WATCH. True BOTTLE from both players shame there has to be a loser. Great game ALMOST EVERYONE on there feet applauding as Tommy takes the 4-3 win and was Dorsets well deserved Man of the Match unlucky John great entertainment. Follow that Carl Beattie (30.38) v Dave Gregory (27.06) up next.
Another cracking game, both players hit a 180 in the first leg with throw to Carl. Another 180 from Carl and he’s sat on a double as Berkshire level 1-1. Another 180 followed by back-to-back 140s and 41 out and Carl goes 2-1 up. Another class leg from both Dave levelling at 2-2. Another 180 from Carl ( his 4th) and the next two legs go with throw yes a decider and well deserved. Carl with the darts hit a another 180 on his way to winning 4-3 great match to watch. That left Liam Blakeley (25.69) up last our very own youngster. Liam hits 180s in the first and second leg going 2-0 up and seems at home up on stage enjoying his game and coming out a deserved 4-0 winner so our Mens B have won the last 9 matches in a row some run and get a well fought for and deserved 10-2 win. Great position to be in Dorset going into Sunday 13-5 up.
Sunday Lady’s A
Up first for Dorset Trina Perry (16.82) v Sophie Self (19.27) a few missed double chances from Trina and she loses 0-3 Cathy Campbell (17.10) v Debbie Shadwell (20.53) Cathy takes the first leg then Debbie out scored Cathy and goes 2-1 up, no messing at the double. Cathy misses 3@56 and Debbie takes the 3-1 win. Katie Mitchell (23.76) v Amy Smith (18.83) Katie playing her 50th game for Dorset hits a ton and a 125 and pokes 50 to take the first leg. Close 2nd leg going with throw to Amy. Katie takes the next then hits a 180 in the 4th and pokes a 113 for a 15 dart winning leg was Dorsets Lady of the match her 23.76 the highest average of the weekend for the lady’s. Berkshire 2-1 up.Julie Frampton (17.56) v Kelly Ellis (19.27)both had chances in the first leg, leg going to Berkshire who also take the 2nd hitting double one Kelly telling the crowd its in before the MC can bless and Julie loses 0-3. Sam Kirton (22.11) v Ally Judge (20.86) Sam takes the first leg misses doubles and Ally takes the 2nd. Better scoring from Sam and pokes 116 to go 2-1 up. Poor scoring from both in the 4th leg then from nowhere Ally hits a 140 and hits the double to force a deciding leg. Sam with throw but Ally hits a 140 followed by a ton and pokes out 96 to take the win. That leaves Suzy Trickett (17.30) v Lisa Webb (16.66) missed doubles and Suzy finds her self trailing 0-2 but Suzy battles back to force a deciding leg against the throw. Both have a throw at the winning double leg and match to Berkshire. Lady’s result even surprised the Berkshire team captain as Dorset lost 1-5 that reduces our lead some what.
Mens A
Up first for Dorset Robbie Martin (25.64) after 12 darts Robbie sat on 96 but can’t find the double losing the first leg, but from there no messing scoring and finishing well running out a 4-1 winner. Scott Mitchell (35.79) up next. Scott in EXHIBITION MODE taking the first leg then hits an 11 dart winning 2nd leg. Scott pokes 120 to go 3-0 up. It’s great to watch Scott when he’s scoring and finishing well and he pokes 96 for another 15 dart leg. Surprise surprise Scott was Dorsets Man of the Match and hit the highest average of the weekend 35.79. WOW!
Danny Pearce (27.02) up next v Paul Self (26.83) Berkshire start well breaking Danny with a 13 dart winning leg then with throw a 14 dart leg and Danny is 0-2 down. Danny from there ups his game so much red pen ( scores of 100 or more) and he levels at 2-2. Two 140s from Danny and he goes a 3-2 lead and goes onto win 4-2.
Mark Grimes (27.26) v Terry Stubbs (28.21) missed doubles and Mark pokes 54 to break and go 1-0 up. Marks turn to miss doubles and Terry levels at 1-1. Mark scoring and finishing well goes into a 3-1 lead, but Terrys not finished and levels at 3-3 decider needed. Berkshire with throw go 140 180 140 and win with a 12 dart leg NOTHING Mark can do against that losing 3-4. Terry Stubbs was Berkshire’s Man of the Match.
Kevin Smith (23.28) v Rob Carr (24.78)up next Kev falls 0-3 down but battles back to level at 3-3 and gets a deserved deciding leg with throw, Kev misses several winning doubles a relieved Rob Carr pinching the win. Terry Gowans(24.09) up next v Joe Lacey (26.71) Terry playing his first game in the A team this season and loses 1-4 the score line not reflecting the game. So after 6 matches all even at 3-3.
Matt Yarrow (24.12) v Jason Heaver (24.50) Matt falls 0-2 behind, but Berkshire’s Jason Heaver can’t find a double Matt keeps his head and levels at 2-2, then goes 3-2 up with a 17 darter. This game appears to have a deciding leg written all over it Berkshire miss doubles Matty doesn’t and wins 4-2. Dale Masterman (27.45) Dale hits a couple of 180s on his way to a comfortable 4-0 win. Nigel Lamb (24.72) v Simon Purvey (24.97) as the averages suggest close game Nigel going 2-3 down and getting really hot up on stage but hits 3 tons and gets a deserved deciding leg. Both miss that winning double leg going Dorsets way.
Dan Perry (28.03) up next. Dan when playing well enjoys his darts Dan full of emotions working his way to Dorset’s A team via our youth teams. Close first leg Dan poking 66 to break Berkshire’s throw. Kevin Morley breaks straight back. Dan breaks again then in the 4th after 12 darts Dan on 16 and goes onto take a 4-1 win. Steven Earley (24.79) up next takes the first leg with throw. Berkshire’s Andy Sturton misses the bull for a 164 shot out hitting a 25 and levels at 1-1. From there Steve did nothing wrong winning 4-1.
Up last for Dorset Richard Wright (24.38) v Arron Lennon (23.06) what a standard of darts loads of red pen scores first two legs going with throw. Richard wires 32 for a 108 shot out returns hits it to break Berkshire’s throw and go 2-1 up. Richard Wright out Scoring Arron but missing doubles and is a little lucky to win 4-1.
Well, what a run of wins for Dorset winning the last 6 matches to beat Berkshire’s Mens A team 9-3.
Womens B – Dorset 3 Berkshire 3, Mens B – Dorset 10 Berkshire 2, Womens A- Dorset 1 Berkshire 5, Mens A. Dorset 9. Berkshire 3.
What a great win for Dorset taking a 23- 13 overall result
Martins Thoughts:
Looks like COVID is here to stay. We have all got to be that little bit more careful out there but I’m pleased that the darts is still going ahead. This must be one of the VERY FEW weekends the Lady’s haven’t given us a great start some great averages just not to be this time no one played badly just didn’t happen for some.
Highlights for me must be the great overall win some great performances especially POTTY I got nervous in his deciding leg thought he’d thrown it away and couldn’t stand the thought of his opponent giving it large if he won, well done Potty we both needed you to win.
Katie Mitchell 23.76 well done you and for 50 appearances as with Richard Wright long way to catch CLARKY. Smithy unlucky my mate coming from 0-3 down and having 5 darts at a double to win next time buddy. Elmo nice winning debut and our newbies Macie and Liam both settling in well.
Next game home to Staffordshire I don’t know about you lot but I’m loving this ROLLER COASTER ride. See you there.
Words: Martin Maidment
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