With the sad passing of Meatloaf yesterday ( January 22nd, 2022), we are reminded of a piece from Darts World Magazine (Issue 571) that made the case for his importance to our game:
DARTS’ greatest philosopher may come as a surprise to many. But, for a long time, I have asserted that rock legend Meatloaf has our game sussed.
As the bulky rocker once bellowed:
“Two out of three ain’t bad”
Many players I have worked with are total perfectionists. It can be almost comical to see them be disappointed when, after multiple superb visits, they have an average or poor throw. Don’t get me wrong the quest for improvement and consistency is admirable, but allowing negative thoughts in and failing to keep a sense of perspective can be very destructive.
What goes for elite professionals goes double for improving players. Being obviously disappointed or frustrated, with one bad dart, or visit is bad for you and a gift to your opponent.
During [this year’s] Matchplay I consulted with Chris Kempf, better known as ‘Ochepedia’, and asked him to look into the results of those who regularly hit two big trebles in a visit. The results confirm a clear benefit for almost all who can produce this regularly. This type of play, usually produced in streaks for a handful of legs, is known to me as ‘Destructive Darts’. It ensures speedy, non-draining, legs and massive pressure on the opponent’s game. Indeed, the constant calling of 121+ scores and the fact that every time your opponent looks up you are on a finish is distracting and morale-sapping.
At lower levels the Meatloaf philosophy still holds true. If you stay calm and unbothered, when you follow your lovely T20 first dart with a big 5, your third dart is much more likely to be a decent straight 20. Many open or league singles have been won by a player hitting loads of 80 plus scores and having good finishing spell.
Whatever your level, try giving yourself a little wriggle room. Because let’s face it not many would fancy arguing with Meatloaf!
Look out for more detail on Destructive Darts, from ‘Coach’ in Coaching Corner in Darts World Magazine and in our Performace section online.

The article originally appeared in Darts World Magazine (Issue 571).
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