Having been strong followers of the MODUS Live League since its early days Darts World was delighted to see the new developments with staging, sets, and over £1 million pounds in prize money.
It seems we were not alone in being impressed. 16 x World Champion Phil Taylor recently gave an interview about the opportunities he sees for players in the modern era. He almost seems to wish to be able to start again:
What were your first impressions of the new MODUS Super Series venue?
(The MODUS Super Series is) absolutely fantastic. When you think that it was a derelict church, they’ve hired it for five years and they’ve done all this work. It’s absolutely fantastic, it really is. They’ve put a lot of effort into it, and that’s why I think it’s going to be really successful.
The series started in lockdown. Could you ever imagine it would come this far?
Never in a million years, no I didn’t. What the MODUS team have done is absolutely brilliant. The concept is fantastic. For the players now, the semi-professionals I’d say, the opportunity for them is there to earn themselves a few quid. Especially this time of day and age where everything’s going up, gas and electric bills and everything else. This is where they can make a good future for them and their families. They have to put the effort in, don’t get me wrong. It’s hard work but it’s going to be brilliant for them. I wish I was starting again, I really do. Even though I’ve had a fantastic career, this is a great opportunity for anybody that’s just up and coming now.
How can playing in the MODUS Super Series set players up for a professional career?
First of all, they get £250 for playing, so they’re going to get paid to practice – that’s what I think. And if they then do well on the night, and then they win at the weekend, then they can win £5,000. That puts them through to the final after 12 weeks, and then on the 13th week, they can win another £20,000. Where can anyone do that this day and age? Nowhere.
How important is it for the players to be able to play in front of TV cameras?
You’ve got the opportunity to practice on stage, in front of a small crowd which is nice. And you can earn yourself a good, good living. It’s a great opportunity, it really is.
Darts World will soon have direct feedback from the new venue as our columnist and contributor Colin Osborne will be competeing in a week or two’s time. We’ll be sure to seek The Wizard’s verdict.
Images: WSDT & Chris Sargeant

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