DIVISION one of the Four Oaks and District League saw Nomad Flights take over in pole position, with a narrow 5-4 win at Walmley CSC Flights giving them eight from a possible ten points and a lead of two over four teams, Old Oscott Arrows, Highcroft Social, Bishop Vesey and Old Horns Lions although all of them apart from Old Oscott Arrows have a game in hand on the leaders. Heartlands lost to the Old Horns Lions in a match that produced 33 tons including a second maximum for Jim Frost while Bishop Vesey beat Old Oscott Arrows 5-4.
In the second division, Oscott Social Club maintained their unbeaten record beating visitors The Scott Armers 5-4. An extraordinary match between The Funky Bear and Erdington Arrows produced 29 tons with Funky Bear trailing 4-1 they took the final four games winning them all by close 2-1 margins for a hard-earned 5-4 victory.
Full Results: Game 4:Division One:
Highcroft Social 6 (S.Alexander 121,100, S.Pritchett 140,100,180, J.Alexander 180,9 darts game, K.Neale 113f, S.Paling 121,2×100, K.Shorthouse 120b,140) The Nomads 3 (T.Colley 120b,105b,100, C.Winters 152b, N.Fields 138,140, K.Smith 121,140, B.Lysaght 100), Red Lion 5 (C.Austin 2×100, T.Vickers 100b, I.Matthews 100,102, D.Vickers 100,139, B.Hughes 129) The Old Horns Lions 4 (T.O’Kereke 100, F.Naylor 2×100, A.Kimberley 120b,160b,134, J.Greaves 138, P.Byrne 180,100), Walmley CSC Flights 5 (G.Gaughan 140, K.Green 2x120b, J.Meredith 134, J.Liggins 109b,140,100, B.Cadby 2x100b,2×140,180) Charley’s Flights 4 (C.McCormack 2×100,102,121, C.Murtagh 118, D.G.Bond 100b,180,140), Heartlands 5 (John Frost 132,118, Matthew Cain 100, J.Rogers 120b,105b,180,2×140,7 darts game, Jim Frost 100,140, A.Downes 125) Old Oscott Arrows 4 (B.Hoare 140, B.Trayhern 112b,101, P.Locke 125,2×100, M.Page 100,106,114, D.Parsons 123,140), Bishop Vesey 5 (M.Norton 160b,120,2×100, M.Wild 100b,2×100,140, C.Sammons 135, D.Quirk 135, N.Smallwood 2×100,123) Golden Hind Lions 4 (N.Goldie 2×100, J.Clark 2×121, C.Turner 100, A.Lilley 100, J.Mahon 120), Division Two:- The Scott Armers 3 (M.Felkin 100, L.Parry 2×100,140, J.Parry 100, O.Day 4×100, S.Kelly 109) Rosey Mac’s 6 (N.Bradley 2×100,111, M.Clarke 100, P.Ellis 112, J.Cox snr 125,2×140,135f), The Funky Bear 3 (S.Robotham 2×100, M.Lucas 116, G.Robotham 100,112, R.Wright 100, K.Robinson 140) Pint Pot Flights 6 (P.Southall 100b,100, N.Robbins 3×100,105, M.Bagnall 100,140,120f, P.Smith 2×140,100, M.Phillips 101), Sutton Sports and Social 2 (R.Snelson 116b, D.Boyle 2×100, L.Allen 100, J.P.Roddy 100,105,140) Erdington Arrows 7 (M.Edwards 100, J.West 132,121, H.Sadler 140,135,105, L.Dells 120b,100,121,2×140, K.Tooze 100b), Deers Leap 4 (A.Dunn 102b,140,100, T.Scanlon 107b,112, P.Billings 108b, T.Ross 100) Oscott Social Club 5 (I.Lloyd 2×100, T.Purcell 110b,103, G.Bushell 100, A.Whitehouse 140, T.Whyley 140), St Thomas Arrows 1 (J.Lynch 100, P.Andrews 120b, R.Nelson 100) Minworth Flights 8 (R.Barritt 100b, N.Clarke 2×100, K.Deeley 108b,103b, M.Partridge 140,138, K.Reynolds 180,100), Plough and Arrows 6 (J.O’Connor 108b, K.Gow 100, A.Humphriss 140, R.Bennett 101b,120b, S.Johnson 100, D.Hughes 180,123) Sutton Sharks 3 (Jack Boden 140, Jon Boden 100, C.Gardener 112b, F.Davis 100,140,125), Game 5:Division One:- Walmley CSC Flights 4 (G.Gaughan 100, J.Liggins 120b,171,2×100,101) The Nomads 5 (N.Fields 116b,140,2×100, R.O’Brien 120b,100, C.Winters 137,2×100,125, C.Martin 2×100, T.Colley 100), Red Lion 5 (L.Vickers 140,135,2×100, T.Vickers 2×140, C.Austin 140, D.Vickers 111b,2×100) Highcroft Social 4 (K.Shorthouse 160b,118b,105b, J.Alexander 100, S.Shorthouse 120b,2×100,160b, L.Shorthouse 125, K.Neale 100), Heartlands 4 (John Frost 125, S.Cain 105b,140,158f, Matthew Cain 112b,100, Jim Frost 100b,121,3×100,180, J.Rodgers 120b,4×100,125) The Old Horns Lions 5 (M.Ashton 2x120b,2×100, B.Linnecor 100, A.Kimberley 2x100b,2×100, F.Naylor 140, D.Pickering 140, J.Greaves 100b, B.Stephens 100,140, P.Bryne 100), Old Oscott Arrows 4 (A.Page 106b, P.Locke 154b,118,160b,110,125, D.Page 107b,119,2×100, M.Maher 140, D.Parsons 2×100, A.Lea 122) Bishop Vesey 5 (C.Sammons 120b,120,2×140, M.Wild 120,2×100, N.Sammons 100,134, M.Norton 100,123, N.Smallwood 100), Golden Hind Lions 7 (J.Mahon 100,137, C.Turner 115, J.Clarke 100, A.Lilley 136,125,2×100, R.Hasluck 100) Charley’s Flights 2 (R.Vann 100, C.Murtagh 140,2×100, K.Hewings 100, C.Hough 127), Division Two:- Rosey Mac’s 6 (N.Bradley 112b,100, J.Cox snr 2×100, S.Wintle 100, S.Wright 121,100) Sutton Sports and Social 3 (L.Allen 100), Oscott Social Club 5 (D.Shannon 125, T.Whyley 107b, I.Lloyd 130, G.Bushell 2×100,124,110f, D.Hodgkins 124) The Scott Armers 4 (O.Day 106b, M.Felkin 100,119, L.Gumbley 134f, Jamie Sabin 100,125, T.Kelly 100), Sutton Sharks 2 (A.Jarvis 100, J.Harris 105,140, C.Gardener 137) St Thomas Arrows 7 (R.Nelson 100, M.Andrews 2×100), Minworth Flights 6 (C.O’Neil 114b, M.Partridge 120b, N.Clarke 100, K.Reynolds 2×100,123,140, K.Deeley 2×100, L.Vann 100) Deers Leap 3 (T.Ross 100,115, T.Scanlon 100, A.Kimberley 2×140), The Funky Bear 5 (E.Stambollin 120b,140,2×100, M.Lucas 100, A.Trimwater 2×100,122, H.Ashton 100,112, R.Wright 102b, L.Williams 129, G.Robotham 112,100) Erdington Arrows 4 (M.Edwards 102b, L.Dells 127,121,2×140,120,100, J.West 108b,2×100,2×140, A.Linehan 134, H.Sadler 100, L.Cooksey 101b).
The final games of 2022 for the Harborne and District League produced a top versus bottom fixture with leaders Bugle Horn playing hosts to bottom of the table Weoley Castle WMC. The outcome was a resounding 9-0 win for Bugle Horn to keep them two points ahead of their nearest rivals Northfield Conservative Club who have played one game fewer than Bugle Horn.
Third and fourth in the league Northfield Town and Smethwick Cricket Club are both on 22 points, four short of the leaders but both had notable wins this week as Northfield won 8-1 at The Mill and Smethwick won 7-2 at Copper Fox ‘M’.
Full Results:Game 13:- Copper Fox ‘R’ 6 (E.Simpson 100,135,140, T.McGlone 100,125, M.Hamilton 2×100, T.Hamilton 125,140, R.Mann 2×100,2×140, N.Porter 100,140, J.Good 116) Quinton RBL 3 (F.Goldsby 2×100, D.McDermott 114, A.Mills 101), Smethwick Cricket Club 3 (A.Beagrie 100, M.Collins 2×100,180, T.Brennan 4×100, F.Johnson 4×100,125, V.Gould 100,127,2×140, M.Tibbetts 2×100,125, B.Gillies 125) Bugle Horn 6 (N.Steventon 2×100,113,140, D.Nicholls 3×100,140,170f, J.Hykin 100,123,125,3×140, A.Poolton 100, D.Marsh 4×100, N.Steventon 180, P.Sitshebo 100), Northfield Conservative Club 8 (S.Jones 4×100,125,158f, A.Sutton 2×100,180,16 darts game, T.Garfield 2×100,105, D.Hill 3×100,121,140, S.Cartwright 100, R.Hosey 2×100,121,140, W.Marshall 3×100) Copper Fox ‘M’ 1 (D.Kent 100,121, J.Downer 2×100,140, K.Jukes 3×100, A.Harvey 100, G.Dews 2×100, M.Davies 100,140), Bourneville 4 (P.Smith 100,121,140, M.Ferriday 100, N.Hurst 3×100, G.Bailles 100,105, D.Murray 100) Cock Inn 5 (A.Underwood 140, L.Fox 2×100,125, Joe Fox 2×100,140, A.Vaughan 2×100,137, K.Vaughan 2×100, A.Hopkins 115,140, John Fox 100,123), Weoley Castle WMC 7 (M.Bolton 100,180, S.Joyce 100,138f, A.Heath 100,101, P.Coombes 120, A.Coombes 100) The Mill 2 (J.Goulding 100, K.Pearsall 100, O.Gough 2×100,122, T.Goulding 100), Northfield Town 9 (M.Hopkins 132,140, A.Busby 100,125,137, S.Busby 3×100, D.Hopkins 100, L.Allen 3×100, R.Needham 2×100,120) Avenue Social 0 (M.Gilliland 125, P.Gilliland 123, V.Gilliland 100), Game 14:- Copper Fox ‘M’ 2 (D.Kent 100,140, J.Downer 3×100, K.Jukes 100,140, J.Loughran 3×100, A.Harvey 100,121, G.Dews 100,108f) Smethwick Cricket Club 7 (A.Beagrie 100,180, M.Collins 2×100,140, P.Brookes 100, T.Brennan 100,125,136f,180, F.Johnson 100,140, B.Gillies 4×100,121,135, A.Johnson 100,140), Cock Inn 2 (A.Underwood 110, L.Fox 3×100,125,140, Joe Fox 121,140, A.Vaughan 2×100,138) Copper Fox ‘R’ 7 (E.Simpson 100,140, T.McGlone 125,140, M.Hamilton 108,125,132, T.Hamilton 100,180, R.Mann 2×100, N.Porter 2×100, E.Simpson 180, T.Hamilton 104f), Avenue Social 4 (P.Gilliland 100,111, T.Crowley 100,121, V.Gilliland 100, C.Morgan 125, T.Williams 121) Bourneville 5 (P.Smith 2×100, M.Ferriday 125, G.Bailles 121, M.Hanley 120), The Mill 1 (J.Goulding 139, K.Pearsall 100,128f, J.Harris 100) Northfield Town 8 (M.Hopkins 2×100, A.Busby 2×140, S.Busby 125, D.Hopkins 5×100, L.Allen 2×100,140, R.Needham 2×100,125, A.Busby 180, M.Lloyd 100, C.Steventon 100), Bugle Horn 9 (N.Steventon 100,180, D.Nicholls 4×100,119,140, M.Poolton 109,135, J.Hykin 2×140, D.Marsh 2×100,101,140, A.Poolton 100, J.Hykin 180) Weoley Castle WMC 0 (M.Bolton 2×100, S.Joyce 4×100,135, P.Coombs 140, S.Tyler 122).
The Kings Norton League rounded off the old year with the next round of their League Cup in which Northfield and Grant Arms were the biggest winners as in turn they handed out 15-6 defeats to Bourneville and Kings Norton Ex Serviceman’s Club. League leaders Copper Fox won their home tie with fifth in the league Rubery Social Club 12-9 while third-placed Thurlestone lost 13-8 at home to Bournebrook who are fourth in the table, two points behind their hosts. The only other game played saw Cock Inn gain a narrow 11-10 home victory over E57.
Full Results: Game 21:- Bourneville 6 (M.James 2×100,11 darts game, J.Guy 112b, G.Carver 100) Cock Inn 1 (L.Fox 123, A.Vaughan 100,103b,8 darts game, John Fox 100), Rubery Social Club 6 (J.Higgins 120, J.O’Neill 121, J.Grainger 100,123, A.Faulkner 100,121, J.Ford 108b, R.Higgins 100, R.Higgins 103f) Kings Heath 1 (R.Hitchmough 112b, E.Dearn 105b), Coppice 5 (A.Chidley 125, A.Aindow 115, A.Ward 121, B.Heath 100,121, S.Jacques 120b,112b) Bournebrook 2 (D.Collins 149b, K.Mason 100, M.Bathurst 100,105, C.Ryan 125, T.Jeffs 107), Copper Fox 5 (E.Simpson 100, M.Hamilton 100, D.McConomy 140,10 darts game,11 darts game, R.Mann 100b,140, D.Marsh 100, T.Hamilton 140) Kings Norton Ex Serviceman’s Club 2 (E.Simpson 100, M.Hamilton 100, D.McConomy 140, 10DG, 11DG, R.Mann 100B, 140, D.Marsh 100, T.Hamilton 140), Thurlestone 5 (J.Downer 100,110b, R.Waldron 135, B.Andrews 100,125, N.Watts 123,103b, S.Deeley 122) Longbridge 2 (L.Jordan 140, K.Malone 100, N.Harris 100,120b, L.Pearce 140, L.Adams 100), Grant Arms 4 E57 0, League Cup:- Copper Fox 12 (E.Simpson 2×100, K.Bedder 120b, D.McConomy 160f, G.Dews 100, D.Marsh 2x109b,123, T.Hamilton 100, A.Beagrie 100,120b,129) Rubery Social Club 9 (J.Higgins 125, J.O’Neill 2×100,102,160b, M.Cormell 100, A.Faulkner 123, J.Ford 100, R.Higgins 123,160b, K.Manger 100), Thurlestone 8 (R.Waldron 2×100,125,140, C.Airey 100,130) Bournebrook 13 (T.Cullen 100,119f, D.Collins 100,140, K.Mason 120, M.Bathurst 118, M.Welsh 125), Northfield 15 (L.Allen 100, A.Busby 100b,101,101b,120b, S.Busby 100, P.Draper 140, O.Draper 100,110, M.Hopkins 120b,11 darts game) Bourneville 6 (T.Cullen 100,119f, D.Collins 100,140, K.Mason 120, M.Bathurst 118, M.Welsh 125), Cock Inn 11 (A.Harvey 121, A.Vaughan 120b) E57 10 (D.Logan 120,140, N.Porter 2×100,123, A.Mutch 2×100,112b,127), Kings Norton Ex Serviceman’s Club 6 (R.Fisher 2x100b, G.Williamson 100, S.Corbett 121, S.Brown 116) Grant Arms 15 (A.Dewsbury 2×100,106f, P.Smith 100b,105b, M.Davies 160b, V.Walton 112b).
A 4-3 home win over Sheldon Marlborough Flights has seen Erdington Nomads take their unbeaten run in the Camp Hill League to four games, they are the only team in the league not to have lost so far and as a result head the table on eight points with a two points advantage over Clumsy Swan, Cotterills Lane EBAHA Club and Tyseley WMC with Cotterills having played one game more than the other top teams. Cotterills dropped to third place following a somewhat surprisingly heavy 5-2 defeat at Clumsy Swan while Tyseley WMC had a bye.
Full Results:Game 4:- Sedgemere Devils 2 Moseley Arms 5, Peaky Blinder 2 Clumsy Swan 5, Tyseley WMC 4 Cotterills Lane EBAHA Club 3, Sheldon Marlborough Flights 3 Tyseley Bears 4, Erdington Nomads had a bye, Game 5:- Moseley Arms 4 Peaky Blinder 3, Clumsy Swan 5 Cotterills Lane EBAHA Club 2, Erdington Nomads 4 Sheldon Marlborough Flights 3, Tyseley Bears 7 Sedgemere Devils 0, Tyseley WMC had a bye.
The Sheldon and District Winter League brought down the curtain on 2022 with the quarter-finals of their divisional League Cups. In the premier division games divisional leaders Sheldon Marlborough Arrows won 7-2 at Hollywood Social, the same scoreline by which second-placed Langley Arrows won at Kingshurst Labour Club. In the “All Boys” game Highwood Gerry’s Boys beat Dunky’s Boys 5-4 and making up the semis will be Sheldon Dukes who won 6-3 against Raven Arrows.
Despite a maximum for Langley Flights Julian Harris the team, who lead division one lost 5-4 at The Dingle who are fourth in the division, 5-4 was also the outcome of the other three fixtures with wins for Maggies, Yardley Ex Colts and bottom of the division Hornet who in turn accounted for Journeys End, Shirley Misfits and Willclare Sports and Social.
Division two leaders Brain’s Flights and third-placed Iron Horse Rebels made the last four in style as in turn they won 8-1 against The Irish Centre and The Raven, joining them in the semi-finals will be Sheldon Marlborough Ridge and The Trident Spears as Ridge won 6-3 against Castle Bromwich WMC and Spears beat Hampton and Solihull Cricket Club 5-4.
Full Results: League Cup: Quarter Finals: Premier Division:- Highwood Gerry’s Boys 5 (John Buckingham 9 darts game) Dunky’s Boys 4, Kingshurst Labour Club 2 (G.Fleetwood 117f, Stephen Shepherd 9 darts game) Langley Arrows 7, Hollywood Social 2 Sheldon Marlborough Arrows 7, Sheldon Dukes 6 Raven Arrows 3, Division One:- Journeys End 4 Maggies 5, Yardley Ex Colts 5 Shirley Misfits 4 (Mick Bown 160b,8 darts game), The Dingle 5 Langley Flights 4 (Julian Harris 180), Hornet 5 Willclare Sports and Social 4, Division Two:- The Raven 1 Iron Horse Rebels 8, Castle Bromwich WMC 3 Sheldon Marlborough Ridge 6, Brian’s Flights 8 The Irish Centre 1, The Trident Spears 5 Hampton and Solihull Cricket Club 4.
The Netherton Thursday Night League played their singles knockpout down to the last eight and making the quarter-finals were C.Hadlington (Spring Meadow), G.Jackson (Bulls Head), Phil Tonks (Dudley Ex Serviceman’s Club ‘A’), A.Galeb (Townsend Social Club), D.Brown (Dudley Ex Serviceman’s Club ‘A’), W.Cairns (Townsend Social Club), D.Richmond (Townsend Social Club), J.Bland (The Clock).
Full Results: Singles Knockout: Quarter Finalists:- C.Hadlington (Spring Meadow), G.Jackson (Bulls Head), Phil Tonks (Dudley Ex Serviceman’s Club ‘A’), A.Galeb (Townsend Social Club), D.Brown (Dudley Ex Serviceman’s Club ‘A’), W.Cairns (Townsend Social Club), D.Richmond (Townsend Social Club), J.Bland (The Clock).
The Hilltop Friendly Tuesday Night League have been winding down their season with the finals of their singles and doubles knockouts. The winner of the singles final was Ryan O’Connor (Miners Arms ‘A’) who beat fellow Miners Arms ‘A’ player Rye McCarthy 3-2 after McCarthy had opened up a 2-0 lead.
The doubles winners were M.James and Ryan O’Connor again from the Miners Arms ‘A’ and once again it was a very close affair as they ran out 3-2 winners against Jay Steven’s and Jake Sheldon from the Waggon and Horses.
Full Results:Double Knockout:Winners:- M.James and Ryan O’Connor (Miners Arms ‘A’) Runners-Up:- Jay Stevens and Jake Sheldon (Waggon and Horses), Singles Knockout:Winner:- Ryan O’Connor (Miners Arms ‘A’), Runner-Up:- Rye McCarthy (Miners Arms ‘A’).
Ten Arches lost their third place in the table and dropped to fifth in the Stourbridge and District Monday Night League when in their most recent fixture they lost 4-3 playing away against second-placed Old Liberal Club. The win keeps Old Liberal Club within two points of leaders Cross (Oldswinford) who won 5-2 at Church Tavern. A convincing 6-1 win at Rose and Crown ‘B’ sees Bell move up one place to third, both they and fourth-placed Bird in Hand, who won 5-2 at Cat Inn, are on eighteen points, four short of the leaders but they have played one game more than the top two teams.
Full Results: League Cup:- Rose and Crown 3 Glasscutters 4, Bell 7 Britannia 0, Bird in hand 2 The Princess 5, all other teams had a bye, Game 12:- Church Tavern 2 Cross (Oldswinford) 5, Netherton Conservative Club 7 (L.Nicklin 160b) Britannia 0, Glasscutters 1 Fox Inn (Lye) 6, Mount Pleasant 3 Raven 4, Old Liberal Club 4 Ten Arches 3, Rose and Crown ‘B’ 1 Bell 6, Seven Stars 1 Rose and Crown ‘A’ 6, Cat Inn 2 Bird in Hand 5, The Princess 5 Crestwood 2, Gate Hangs Well had a bye.
The results from game 24 in the Black Country Men’s Super League had no effect on the league table whatsoever as leaders Allens Bar ‘A’ won 3-2 against their ‘C’ team to put them on 148 points, and second-placed Railway Tavern won their home tie with Bell, Kingswinford ‘A’ by the same 3-2 margin to leave them eighteen points short of the top team. Yeltz Bar ‘A’ are third and have played one game more than the two teams above them, their latest fixture saw them win 3-2 at home against Halesowen Cricket Club while their local rivals Yeltz Bar are fourth and on 111 points, eight short of their rivals but with a game in hand.
Full Results:Game 24:- Whitehead Tavern 4 The Ashwood 1, Yeltz Bar ‘A’ 3 Halesowen Cricket Club 2, Railway Tavern 3 Bell, Kingswinford ‘A’ 2, Gilbert’s Bar 4 Bell, Kingswinford ‘B’ 1, Allens Bar ‘A’ 3 Allens Bar ‘C’ 2, The Maverick 4 Horse and Jockey ‘B’ 1, Rearranged Fixtures:- The Ashwood 3 Rowley Bar and Grill 2, Bell, Kingswinford ‘B’ 3 Whiteheath Tavern 2.
With just four more fixtures to play in the Stourbridge and District Wednesday Night League Quarry Bank Labour Club are holding on to their two points lead over Bird in Hand ‘E’ after winning 5-2 at Black Horse and Bird in Hand ‘E’ won 6-1 at Bell ‘B’. Third-placed Ten Arches are a further two points adrift after winning 6-1 at home against Fox Inn (Lye) but four to the good on fourth-placed Hollybush who also won 6-1 at The Shovel.
Full Results:Game 22:- Raven 0 Bell ‘A’ 7, Stourbridge FC 3 Dudley Sports 4, Ten Arches 6 Fox Inn, Lye 1 (A.Whitehouse 160b), Shovel 1 Hollybush 6, Ashwood 4 Brickmakers Arms 3, Black Horse 2 Quarry Bank Labour Club 5 (S.Hall 8 darts game), Bell ‘B’ 1 Bird in Hand ‘E’ 6 (s.g. Skidmore 10 darts game).
Week five of the Ashwood Premier League saw Chris Williams hit top form as he followed up a 4-3 win over Dave Simpson with 7-0 wins over both Ade Colley and Jake Robinson to take him up into pole position with 65 points. John Green is second and although seven points short of Williams has two games in hand after adding a 6-1 win against Ben Watts and a 4-3 success over Rob Pierce to his account.
Full Results:Week 5:- Reece Colley 7 Rob Pierce 0, Rob Pierce 5 Ade Colley 2, Cayden Smith 4 Jack Pritchard 3, Alan Bate 5 Jon Underhill 2, Chris Manoila 6 Jayden Harper 1, John Green 6 Ben Watts 1, Nick Fullwell 7 Wozza Pritchard 0, Paul Pollard 5 Ash Marson 2, Ade Colley 7 Jake Robinson 0, Chris Williams 4 Dave Simpson 3, Reece Colley 7 Chris Eacock 0, Alan Bate 4 Chris Manoila 3, Gavin Smith 6 Chris Eacock 1, Reece Colley 4 Cayden Smith 3, Chris Williams 7 Ade Colley 0, Josh Pickett 6 Jayden Harper 1, Wozza Pritchard 5 Jon Underhill 2, Josh Pickett 4 Nick Fullwell 3, Dave Simpson 5 Ben Watts 2, Gavin Smith 6 Paul Pollard 1, Chris Williams 7 Jake Robinson 0, John Green 4 Rob Pierce 3, Jack Pritchard 4 Rob Pierce 3, Jack Pritchard 4 Ash Marson 3.
Hen Lane and District Social Club staged another great Coventry Christmas Open with a fantastic turnout of players for both the singles and doubles events. The singles competition saw an entry of 86 players which considering there were many events taking place throughout the country on the same day was a fantastic turnout. Taking the title was Cambridgeshire’s Connor Arberry who got the better of a closely fought final against Warwickshire’s Mark Strong to claim the narrow 6-5 victory after both players had had many chances to seal the win.
The doubles knockout attracted 41 pairs with some great pairings vying for this year’s title but eventually it went to Oxfordshires Stephen Tompkins and Adam Henson who defeated Tamworth players Scott Hope and Steve Homer.
Organiser Neil Pritchard offered his thanks to all who took part in both events, and also to all the helpers throughout the day. Sarah West who ran top table very well, Sue Maclennan who took the cards round and also to the Club for the donation and to the Staff at the club for all their work on what was a seriously long day.
The Gilbert’s Bar Christmas Knockout was won by Thomas Garfield who beat Rob Thompson 6-3 in the final. Garfield had taken out Jamie Hughes (5-3) in the semis while Thompson won by the same scoreline against Richard Hosey.
As winner Thomas Garfield received £150 with Thompson picking up £70. There was £30 for each of the losing semi-finalists Jamie Hughes and Richard Hosey.
In the first round losers Plate Competition Jon Platt took the top prize of £40 with a 4-1 final win over Adam Johnson who collected £20 as runner-up.
Full Results:Semi-Finals:- Thomas Garfield 5 Jamie Hughes 3, Rob Thompson 5 Richard Hosey 3, Final:- Thomas Garfield 6 Rob Thompson 3, Plate Knockout:Final:- Jon Platt 4 Adam Johnson 1.
For many, many years Brian Twist ran the Forest of Arden League and supplied me with weekly results and league table, sadly Brian, a popular and well-known person throughout the Birmingham area especially the Solihull and Sheldon areas passed away on Sunday 18th December.
Condolences to all Brian’s relatives and friends, he will be sadly missed throughout the darts fraternity.
There was further sad news that long-serving West Midlands County player Margaret (Maggie) Fellows also has sadly passed away. Her funeral service will be held at All Saints Church, Elmore Row, Bloxwich, WS3 2HR at 1.00pm on Wednesday 11th January and then on to North Walsall Cemetery, Saddleworth Road, Bloxwich, WS3 3XN at 2.00pm.
Maggie will be missed by all her West Midlands teammates and officials plus many more throughout the country who got to know her through playing for the county.
Thoughts and condolences go to her family and friends.
Images: AIM180
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