FOLLOWING the phenomenal success of Darts World’s special, one-off, digital publications, such as our annual Souvenir Edition, we were delighted to announce the launch of Darts World Extra (18)
DWE is now a frequent publication, usually between our regular print issues and for specific occasions in the Darts World year including the PDC’s annual Ally Pally party. DW Extra 18 is the fourth EXTRA for 2024 following our Souvenir (Jan) and print issues ( Feb & May).
The 18th edition of DW Extra– our digital supplementary publication – features interviews and additional catch ups with the biggest names in our game. Inside we review World Cup of Darts and all the recent tungsten activity from the recent Summer Season of darting delights.
We give some of our regular contrinubutors and columnists their annual breaks, cover a longer period than normal (from July to publication) and fill the issue with 2024 reviews so far and debut writer’s feature pieces as well as reviewing ADC, UKDA, MSS, WSDT and UDUK Results.
As always there are Darts Reviews, Practice and coaching tips and much more besides.
Thanks to our friends at Red Dragon Darts Extra is free to download or read here.
Don’t forget our brand new digital archive here at where you can find a selection of more than 50 digital copies of Darts World publications from the last decade and selected issues from as far back as 1972!
Packed full of reviews of recent action, previews of upcoming events and articles as well as unique content not available elsewhere:
Darts World Extra – Summer Stars

August 2024
Darts World Extra – Global Gathering

June 2024
Images: Darts World Magazine