SCORING power is, of course, crucial in the game of 501 so the majority of training for most members is about maximising this.
But, spending hours trying to score as much as possible can be tiresome especially if you’re not getting any feedback or statistics to motivate you to continue.
So pair it with a game that tests another area of darting prowess and switch it up!
The rules for the game:
In the Streak game you have 20 throws (60 darts) so It is a quite short game (about 5-6 minutes) which makes it easier to stay focused during the whole game. A shorter game with different visible scores/goals to try to reach leaves you more often with the feeling of: Just one more time…which leads to more training! 🙂
The aim of the game is to get as good 5-throws-streak score as possible. This to give you an idea of your peak performance ability when you get your throws right.
Keep your own personal leaderboard for your best streaks the past 30 days or checkout to see those from other members.
The Streak:
During the game you throw and track 20 throws and you / the game can update the 5-best-streak scores in the interface. Even if you get a bad throw after a good streak, don’t give up!
If you manage to get the last throws really good you still might improve your session’s best streak score. So continue during the 20 throws and try to stay focused no matter what.

Alternative streak score
We all know it is so easy to get a few stray darts which can ruin any score and any game. That’s why shows an alternative streak score which shows your best streak when the 10% worst throws (2 worst throws) have been removed. You can do this simply on your marking board.
This also to give you some inspiration to try to stay focused and to avoid those stray darts in your next game session. Those small indications can be very valuable to keep in mind and work hard for.
Use the game and work hard on your scoring abilities and you’ll see your stats improve.
It is also very important for Practice Partner to provide games suitable for all levels of players, beginners to pro’s, where everyone can get a score to work on.
That’s why we felt there’s a need for a game like Streak!
Double Doubles:

It is always good to vary your training and play both types of games a lot to get the finishing training where you learn all the common checkouts and to build confidence and muscle memory aiming for the same double several times.
The Double Doubles game has been on Winmau’s Practice zone for quite a while and to make it more fun and useful for more levels of players I felt I needed to add some options for it:
3 darts – 2 doubles
6 darts – 2×2 doubles (finished in pairs)
9 darts – 2×2 doubles (finished in pairs)
12 darts – 2×2 doubles (finished in pairs)
So therefore, in the Double Doubles game on GoDartsPro, you can choose if you want to use 3, 6, 9 or 12 darts to play this game.
With the 3 darts option you close the current double by hitting it twice to move on to the next.
From 1 to 20:
If you choose the 6,9 or 12 darts option the doubles needs to be hit twice and closed in pairs.
If you go with the standard option 6 darts, you therefore need to hit double 1 twice before you go for double 2 and hit that twice as well. All within 6 darts.
This is can be really tough so make sure you are fully focused and have time for an intense training session.

Again, this is a tough game but for experienced players it can be really useful.
With the 6, 9 and 12 darts option where you need to finish the doubles in pairs you not only work on your muscle memory but you’ll also do it under a good amount of pressure.
Let’s say you use the 9-darts option and you managed to hit double 1 twice with the first 6 darts and now aiming for double 2 with your last 3 darts. To close this pair of doubles you need to hit the double 2 twice with your last 3 darts or you need to start over again on double 1.
If you’ve never tried this game before, start with the 12 darts option and give it a go.
Remember to take a short break (5 minutes) after 20-30 minutes focused training, and if you
manage to finish the game in less than an hour, go for the 9-darts option next time.
Enjoy your darts and make it count!
Words: Anders Ostman
Images: Go Darts Pro