Praising Priestley

Play the Pro Darts Scorer

Dennis Priestley was one of the first few icons that Darts World added to our Legends Legacy series for both our print issue and online. 

The Menace is a huge reason for the success of the modern game and made multiple major contributions to how it now looks.

Yet, for a while it looked as if he would be too overshadowed by Phil Taylor and not get the credit he thoroughly deserves. However, others agree with us and his early involvement with the World Seniors tour (commentating and ambassadorial) seemed to give his profile a boost. The latest example is his recent appearance on Wayne Mardle’s Club 501.

The extensive vlog sees Wayne chatting and throwing a few darts with Dennis as they cover all kinds of subjects and lay down some history for the long term archives.

Initially it’s clear that Wayne is a great admirer of Dennis and gives him credit for the changing of the game with regard to switching to boost scoring power. Our resident coach/analyst had long broadcast this contribution and even invented the practice game ‘SwitchBlade’ –  which you can play on – in homage.

Another area covered is perhaps Dennis’s best known contribution. His part in the formation of the PDC, forgoing prize money to keep the thing going, the terrible treatment they received from the BDO folk, and sharing rooms and prizes with Phil Taylor for many years certainly saw the PDC through its early trauma and into the modern era.

“There were times when Phil Taylor and I didn’t take our prize money so the PDC could stay afloat,” said Priestley. 

“That went on for quite a while, and I think it was just us two who did it. As soon as Barry Hearn came in to take over the PDC he paid all the debts off and made sure Phil and I got paid. Then he made sure that we got more out of it than the other players who hadn’t put as much in.” 

A most revealing segment is when Dennis reveals some regret at not winning more World titles and suggests that allowing Phil to be close to him, during that period, gave the Stoke player the advantage, and that he should not have done it. Another example of just how much Dennis may have given the game.

Dennis’s thoughts on the development of the game, the potential for Luke Littler to take things to another level and many more nuggets are other highlights of this lovely program.

More on Dennis Priestley:

Club 501 – The Menace

Darts World Podcast – Let’s Talk Darts with Dennis Priestly ( 30 Years On)

Legends Legacy – Dennis Priestley


Images: Winmau


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