The Asset Is Quickfired

Red Dragon Darts

After the serious business of extending his equipment and promotions contract with Winmau Paul Nicholson was hit with a quickfire quiz to see how much he knew of his sponsors and of darts trivia.

Now you may think that a fellow with the amount of blether that Paul needs for his commentating, writing, and other information-based duties, would prove a fount of all knowledge. But would you be right?

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In fact Paul was certainly a little hit-and-miss, but would you have done better?

Last month Paul extended his Winma deal and will have been with the company more than a decade by the time the new deal finishes.

The Asset also discussed his own injury complications including overplaying during 2020 and the resultant surgery needed on his right shoulder.

Paul seems keen to try to return to former methods of stance and action to see what he can achieve in his 40s now that he is fully fit. His recent return to action at the MODUS Super Series is the start of a project to get him match fit in time for Q School in January 2023.

Never one to hide his own light under bushel Paul claims that if he “could combine his talent level from 2010/11 and the mental player I feel today that that would be a World Champion”

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It’s clear from the comment of Simon Hall in the video above that Winmau is delighted to extend their relationship with Paul over the 10-year mark and that The Asset realises the benefits he has received.’


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