Coaching a variety of players, for extended periods, means A.I.M: have to keep things fresh. As part of this we are always thinking up new drills and games.
Being as many more of you may be practising at home over the coming weeks we will publish some of ones we have drempt up over the years!
Lights – Out
The is a board use game that concentrates on the main scoring and set up numbers. It is mainly used for warming up and for improving consistency.
Like many of the A.I.M’s games it is based around five turns being ideal and is flexible for different skill levels.
Game Overview:
Take one turn at each of the following segments: 20, 19, 18, 17 & Bullseye.
If you his 4* or more of the segments it is eliminated.
The Bullseye aim is 2* darts within the outer or inner bull.
If you did not put all the Lights – Out (in round 1) go again at the numbers you are left with.
If you manage to put all the Lights-Out (4 or more of each and two bulls) you should not how many turns it took and try to get it down to less than two rounds (regularly) then you may wish to try 5* of each number and 3 Bulls (Count the bull as 2 and the 25 as 1)
N.B: If using the game pre-practise session, or during gaps between matches, limit yourself to a max of ten turns.
Round One:
- 20’s – 100 (5)
- 19’s – 95 (5)
- 18’s – 36 (2)
- 17’s – 51 (3)
- Bull – 25/-/25 (2)
Round 2:
- 18’s – 72 (4)
- 17’s – 34 (2)
Round 3:
- 17’s – 85 (5)
Bold Numbers are Lights-Out & Game Completed in 3 rounds or 8 visits.
- Level 1 – 3 x Scoring segments & 1 dart within the outer bull ring.
- Level 2 – 4 x Scoring segments & 2 darts within the outer bull ring.
- Level 3 – 5 x Scoring segments & 3 darts in the 25 ring or 1 Bull & 1 25.
As you get near the higher levels keep a note of your total score in the first round. Its a handy reference for your various treble hitting % and another stat to brag on!
Elite player can drive themselves further with 6,7,8 or even 9 as the target in the scoring segments and various bullseye aims. But A.I.M: find these take too many turns and can be counter producutive!
Lights-Out has not yet been hit in 5 turns at level 5 or higher. One of our elite talent player managed to hit all 4 x 5 in the scoring section and missed his third dart at the 25/Bull!
The best round one total score so far is 515
Lights – Out is both a good fun game and a very handy drill for working on cumulative hitting in different board areas.
Drop us a line with your scores or comments and try to enjoy playing even in these trying times!