When you have been around for almost fifty years you are often thought of as a good place to go with quirky or unusual darting requests. Here is the latest from our friend Mick Appleby:
Dear Darts World Readers,
I am researching for a book on comments from the crowds at various sporting events-Football, Rugby, Cricket, Boxing, and of course the very best, Darts!
One of my favourites came at an Eric Bristow event in Scotland at which a group of spectators waved a banner saying,
“Remember Bannockburn – 1314”.
After the match, it had to be explained to Bristow that it referred to an ancient battle where the English were roundly beaten by the Scots.
“Oh”, said Bristow, “I thought it was a couple of jokers trying to pass their telephone number to a girlfriend!”
If any readers have others they fondly remember, please contact us by email at: editor@dartsworld.com and we will forward them to Mick.
Mick assured us that all comments will be fully acknowledged.
Many thanks,
Mick Appleby
So if you have a favourite quote or anecdote from a darting event let us and Mick know and your favourite tale could be in print very soon. In addition, we are sure Mick might be able to get us a copy for contributors and even one for Darts World to review!