Why, Why, Why ? Ban Delilah!

Red Dragon Darts

Tom Jones ImageThe silly season is upon us again, by this we mean the season in which perspective and reality are lost to small mindedness and ignorance. This time honoured tradition recently saw the notion of banning Delilah from sporting stadia, Wales Rugby Union & Stoke City FC, put forward by Dafydd Iwan.

The motive behind this was that the song glorifies a murder and speaks lightly of the murder of a woman.The fact that the song is a tale of the severe regret at a momentary loss of reason and even begs forgiveness, did not appear to have been considered. It would not have taken a genius to put this ridiculus notion to bed and ensure that the superb sound of 40,000 people singing the Jom Jones classic with full voice and their own particular spin would remain. Luckily it would appear that common sense is prevailing and even Dafydd has seen the error of his ways.

However with this current trend, of picking apart songs, rhymes and other innocent entertainments in order to damn them with modern sensitivities, attitudes and interpretation, it occurred to me that this could be the start of a very slippery slope. A look at a few other songs enjoyed by supporters at various sports grounds suggests this could be the mere tip of the politically incorrect iceberg.

West Ham fans will have to desist from from “forever blowing bubbles” due to it possibly xenophobic, bubble being short for the rhyming slang bubble & squeak meaning Greek. This could be taken even further if the blowing was considered with a modern edge………

Everton supporters will have to do without the Z Cars theme in case it is scene as promoting the heavy handed police brutality of the 1960’s.

Liverpool followers will have to suspend the “Fields of Anfield Road” as its original can be seen as anti English and has been used by IRA supporters.

Those who follow Man United and other must stop “Looking on the bright side of life” as this is associated with Monty Python mocking the bible!

Surely Middlesborough FC ‘s use of “Papa’s got a brand new pigbag” will offend vegetarians , Muslims and Jewish people.

Oh where would it have all ended? I for one am deeply appreciative of the interventions that have seen the anthem of my local club saved, as I am sure are Neil & Lou!

Neil Baldwin and Lou macari


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