On The Oche: Darts World 585

Red Dragon Darts

Even by recent standards the Winter/New Year tungsten season has been unprecedented.

To see the attention garnered to darts by Fallon Sherrock’s Ally Pally efforts eclipsed, within a few years, by a 16-year-old, was not something many expected to see. 

The PDC’s premium product, and the stories it produces, were once again front page fodder for mainstream media organisations and even deemed inspirational enough that even 10 Downing Street fancied a little reflected glory.

This time the attention seems to have legs. Glance at the BBC sports feed during Thursday night Premier League action, and even off camera European Tour qualifiers, and you will see news, reviews and even live blogging of our tungsten titans in action.

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When all is said and done however our sport does not only need PR, it needs excellence and much of that has been provided by new World champion (and World Number 1) Luke Humphries. When we put Cool Hand on the cover of one of our Extra issues late in 2023 we did not expect to find it so hard to get him off again! 

Luke’s sustained period of major event dominance has not been seen since MVG’s zenith in 2016 or perhaps even that of Phil Taylor. His remarkable feat should not be masked or diluted by the attention paid to other less substantive headlines.

Away from the PDC’s elite package our game is in rude health. Once again we are able to feature a 7 World Champion montage within these pages and to report that for those – of any age, gender or nationality – taking up the game, enjoying it socially or pursuing their full potential, the opportunities have never been so numerous, easily accessed and highly rewarded as those being offered in 2024.

Darts World will continue to cover as wide a cross section of this remarkable derting ecosphere as possible with: Icons, Global, Amateur, Performance, Legacy and On Tour sections all available in out print and digital magazines as well as every day on line at dartsworld.com


Images: Darts World Magazine

Grab the current print Issue 584 here  or a 50th Anniversary Darts World bundle 581 here 

The Darts World 50 limited edition dart set is available to order (Here) in your choice of pack


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