A.I.M: Contribute to New World Championship Guide

Red Dragon Darts

It’s always nice to be asked to contribute to a new publishing project to promote the game of darts. Some of the people we at A.I.M: like best have produced 62 pages of news, views, player profiles, product reviews and articles that is yours in a couple clicks:

Dartconnect.com are distributing the guide, as well as RedDragon darts, Grab a copy here: 

Download Your Copy – https://appsolutely.dev/darts/

All 96 players that took part are individually profiled and there are sections for Fallon Sherrock & Mikuru Suzuki as well as feature articles on Barney, Gerwyn Price and those who have hit an Ally Pally 9 Darter.

Mile High Leaves a Vapour Trail tells the tale of how a relative unknown made a big impact, at the 2010/11 World Championship, blazing a trail for others to follow.

The Super 8’s looks at vital stats and other information that can sort out those with a chance of the title from those likely to fall short.

There is even a betting section. You Betcha! Gives a few ideas of what is available these days in the gambing sector.

All in all it is a great guide and unbeatable for free!

Mile High Leaves a Vapour Trail an interesting article in The Ultimate Guide
Lustig. PDC


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