The Darts World Years

The Darts World 50 – 1976

Over the course of the year, Darts World paid tribute to some of the game’s important characters while looking forward to big events yet to come. DW even noticed the ever-growing importance of women, though not always in ways acceptable today,  in every aspect of the rapidly growing game.

Darts World 50 – 1975 – Master Evans

DARTS NEWS, and hence our own reports, had, for more than a year been centered around a new event. The World Masters had started...

The Darts World 50 – 1974

Our 1974 article outlines the initial stages of this venerable event and gives a clue to the processes going on behind the scenes at the time.

The Darts World 50 – 1973

This article, from Issue 2, is essentially a scoop on the birth of the BDO. The 'Super Teams' are in fact the early Counties...

The Darts World 50 – 1972

In the early 1970s, a handful of ingredients were coming together to form the recipe for the huge success of the hitherto lesser-known pub game of Darts. Darts World Magazine was one of those ingredients.

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